Contact Stephon Andrews:
Home Office: (734) 286-1629
Skype ID: stephonose23 

Hey my friend! Stephon here and thanks for stopping by to see a real opportunity that's getting many people real results. But before I go any further, I want to let you know that I'm just a simple dreamer and free spirit from Detroit, Michigan USA. There came a time where I just wanted to stop trading time for money. You get to experience quite a bit in life. Some things workout. Somethings don't. But if I could go back, I would've joined LCG many years ago. I've worked a variety of jobs with nearly ten years of transportation experience. So when I came across Lifestyle Consultant Group, It was a complete no brainer. I love my freedom and my mission in life is to point as many people as possible to LCG to help them gain their freedom as well. Once you've fully reviewed the material, schedule a call today and I look forward to speaking with you.

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